Get access to expert help whenever you need it, plus a suite of resources designed to support every aspect of your startup with Bamboo Orchard’s Founder’s Club. 

Join the Founder’s Club to get: 

✔  Access to our Founders community on Slack – engage with other businesses and share advice 

✔  Eligibility for Bamboo Orchard fundraising support

✔  An initial 30 minute 1:1 meeting with a Bamboo Orchard Director, to help with your specific business challenges

✔  Weekly office hours with Bamboo Orchard Directors, to address your ongoing business questions

✔  First access to monthly webinars covering all aspects of running your business, from marketing to fundraising and more. Hosted by Bamboo Orchard experts

✔ Monthly newsletter, containing a round-up of our webinar content, tips and guidance

Apply to join now